Licences, Permits and other documents in the Old World

I'm really a big fan of giving my players a physical copy of all the documents and notes they stumbled upon. This also include all the legalities in the Old world: Licences, permits, notes of payment and similar items. Here I have an example of a magical license based on an original text from Charles Glass 2004 . "Magical licence for Klara Diestelmeyer The wizard known as KLARA DIESTELMEYER being a member in good standing of this community and known to me personally, is hereby permitted to practice the profession of MAGIC, SORCERY and THAUMATURGY in its grade of APPRENTICESHIP within the boundaries of the Grand Duchy of MIDDENLAND and by the Imperial Edits additionally in Great County of Averland and the Great Principality of REIKLAND and the Great Duchy of TALABECKLAND . The said DIESTELMEYER has paid TWENTY GOLD CROWNS and sworn in my presence and in the presence of a CLERIC of VERENA and a MASTER WIZARD of the University College of Battle Magic in Nuln, that she wi...