WFRP Bretonnian Gnome Detective Random Cases

WFRP Bretonnian Gnome Detective Random Cases Generate Random Mistery Case WFRP Bretonnian Gnome Detective Random Cases The famous gnomish detective Alphonse Hercules de Gascoigne has a long list of solved cases, now you can get a sample of them! Alphonse first appeared in the Carl Sargent’s adventure “With a Little Help from my Friends,” published in White Dwarf 105 (September 1988). A current proper version for him can be found at Graeme Davis' blog and the official halfling impostor at The Horned Rat Companion . Save Alphonse! Random Case! Amount : Code: Francisco Muñoz 2020-2021. Picture: Paid â bod yn dwp Game: Games Worshop and Cubicle 7 Other random generators: