Quick, dirty and ugly JavaScript tutorial for random generators (Part 3)

Random Generator Tutorial (part 3)

Quick, dirty and ugly JavaScript tutorial for random generators

Part 3

Welcome to the third part of my tutorial, you can find the first parte here and second parte here. Now we are going to repeat some of the initial advice of that part.

There are a lot of useful tools like Perchance and Chartopia available to create random generatos for your rpg but here we are going to make things old-school, tinkering with HTML and JavaScript.

You will need a basic knowledge of how a webpage is created using HTML and some minor programming experience in any programming language so you can grasp the JavaScript parts. The code and web page will be just as simple as possible and we'll try to avoid any advanced features (or even good modern practices).

If you finished the previous part your hml file should contain a few basic parts already, a hearder section with a title and a Javacript block with a single function. Then some big letters to write in the screen, a line where the generated content is written and a button to run the code... and we are goind to start from scratch again!

And now for something completly different

We are going to leave the fantasy and reach the stars! We are going to implement some planet generation based on the charts from Stars Without Number.

The aim is to show how we can implement tables based on non uniform results, like the ones tha use 2D6 for entries. Even exotic ones like D66 ones or similar can use the same techniques and functions.

As a starting point we should create simple function that return the sum of 2 random numbers from 1 to 6.

Then lets have a look at one of the tables:

3Inert gas
4Airless or too thin
5-9Breathable mix
12Corrosive and Invasive

So well create in our code an array filled with this data. Each item will another array with the upper number needed to be rolled and the entry itself.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My RPG Generator</title>
var Atmosphere = [
[3,"Inert Gas"],
[4,"Airless or too thin"],
[9,"Beathable Mix"],
[12,"Corrosive and Invasive"]
function roll2D6() {
  return Math.floor( 1 + Math.random() * 6) + Math.floor( 1 + Math.random() * 6);
<h1>Ultimate Planet Generator</h1>
<p id="Random">Here we'll have our output!.</p>
<button type="button" onclick="GetPlanet()" >Run!</button>

The "only" thing missing is the main function that we'll run when we push the button (we named it GetPlanet). It should have a way to roll 2d6 and compare the results from the table we have until the roll is equal or more than the number we have- This last part should be in another function.

function pickFromTable (myNumber, myTable) {
  var myEntry;
  var myResult = "";
  for (myEntry in myTable){
   if ((myNumber <= (myTable[myEntry][0]) ) && (myResult == "" )) {
   myResult = myEntry[1];
  return myResult;
function GetPlanet () {
  document.getElementById("Random").innerHTML = "Atmosphere:<br>" + pickFromTable(roll2D6(),Atmosphere);

Ultimate Planet Generator

Here we'll have our output!.

Now our planet has atmosphere! Next will add other extra variables, for Temperature, Biosphere, Population and Tech Level. All of them have the similar structure.

4-5Variable Cold
9-10Variable Warm

var Temperature = [
[5,"Varieble Cold"],
[10,"Variable Warm"],
var Biosphere = [
[8,"Human Miscible"],
var Population = [
[2,"Failed Colony"],
[5,"Fewer than millions Inhabitants"],
[8,"Several Millions Inhabitants"],
[10,"Hundreds of Millions Inhabitants"],
[11,"Billions Inhabitants"],
[12,"Alien Inhabitants"]
var TechLevel = [
[2,"TL 0, Neolithic"],
[3,"TL 1, Medieval"],
[5,"TL 2, early Industrial"],
[8,"TL 4, Modern postech"],
[10,"TL 3, present Earth"],
[11,"TL 4+, postech with specialities"],
[12,"TL5, pretech"]
function roll2D6() {
  return Math.floor( 1 + Math.random() * 6) + Math.floor( 1 + Math.random() * 6);
function pickFromTable (myNumber, myTable) {
  var myEntry;
  var myResult = "";
  for (myEntry in myTable){
   if ((myNumber <= (myTable[myEntry][0]) ) && (myResult == "" )) {
   myResult = myEntry[1];
  return myResult;
function GetPlanet () {
  document.getElementById("Random2").innerHTML = "Atmosphere: " + pickFromTable(roll2D6(),Atmosphere) + "<br>" +
  "Temperature: " + pickFromTable(roll2D6(),Temperature) + "<br>;" +
  "Biosphere: " + pickFromTable(roll2D6(),Biosphere) + "<br>" +
  "Population: " + pickFromTable(roll2D6(),Population) + "<br>" +
  "TechLevel: " + pickFromTable(roll2D6(),TechLevel) + ">br<";

Ultimate Planet Generator

Here we'll have our output!.

See you in part four!.


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