Updated generator! Now with 100% more Gnomes

I just updated the character generator to include the Gnomes!. Those guys were in 1st edition but they disappeared in the 2nd and 3rd edition. Now in the 4th edition they are back in the "Rough Nights and Hard Days" book. For a bit of ancient background on those little guys you can check the Graeme Davis' Blog or the 1st edition wiki . Also I updated a few entries in the Links section with a couple of new sites. You can get the original pdfs for the WFRP 1st edition Core Rulebook (but sadly the PC Gnome rules were in "Apocrypha Now", not available) and WFRP 2ndedition Core Rulebook . You can also get the pdf for "Rough Nights and Hard Days" or the physical book from Cubicle 7 .