Miscelaneous art

Additionally of this blog I maintain an Instagram and Twitter accounts where I post mostly drawings and images. These drawings are done not only for this blog but for also include drawings done for other WFRP fan creators. Images for "Weird Nights at the Wolfshead" The winner of the Five Page Fiction 2018, by Stuart Kerrigan I did two small signs. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rf0aY2K80p7HrXHwpTeZBtb2cWqve8pH/view Images done for "ultrajosua" A mysterioys beast and a mutant skull. The later done for his adventure document template (link inside the Rat Catchers' Guild discord ) Images for "Lye'ing Agitators" An small humorous adventure created by Jay Alexander Hafner. I did a couple of maps and a small diagram. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1718549725113205/permalink/1922243174743858/