WFRP 4th Edition Random Treasure Generate Treasure WFRP 4th Edition Random treasure This is a simple treasure generator, currently it creates 5 random pieces of jewelry, clothes, weapons, armours and other things you could find adventuring in the Old World (the plan is to make it more flexible and with a larger set of items). If you need people you might meet in a tavern check my NPC Generator to create Merchants, Scholar, Soldiers and similar citizens. If you need a more dangerous set you might check my Monster Generator to create Mutants, Orcs, Goblins or worse. To have a more detailed Old Worlders you can use the list of my Generic NPCs stats for 4th edition . You can also create the loot carried by them using my Random Treasure Generator . Generate Now! Amount : Generate Jewels! Generate Clothing! Generate Coins! Generate Weapons! Generate Armours! Generate Documents! Generate Others! ...
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